Training & Pilates

Moving Toward a Healthier Physique

Your movement patterns impact your overall state of health. Reformance can help you create tailored programs that promote effective movement sequences so you can decrease muscle pain and tension.

Train to improve posture, reduce pain and manage your weight! 

In your initial session, we assess balance in all your major joints and complete a posture analysis.

We show you how to release stuck soft tissues (fascia) and give you movements that stimulate the major "slings" (myofascial chains) to catapult you into a lean, mean fighting machine.

Our aim is to improve your relationship with gravity to create an even balance of tension and tone.

In our program, you will learn intelligent movement that is specific to your body type (blueprint) and teaches you to utilize underused muscles to create tone, especially in the bum and tummy area. 

“Every move you make, Every breath you take, becomes more balanced when you train fascia and not just muscles ."

We have w
orked with many mums looking to find freedom in movement after giving birth. Also with sportsman, particularly tennis players and footballers to help with their performance.

At Sensational Movement we help you create a plan that keeps you on track.  You'll learn what actions compromise your movement patterns.

If you need guidance and assistance to alleviate pain, increase strength & flexibility Sensational Movement is here to help. Not only will you reach your goals, you'll acquire knowledge that will impact your life for years to come.

Schedule Your appointment here

01 Customized Workouts

Reformance training provides you with tailored workouts that are designed to meet your specific fitness goals and address your individual needs. Whether you aim to build strength, improve flexibility, lose weight, or enhance your overall fitness.

02 Core Strength - Posture

Combining Reformance training with Pilates helps you develop a strong and stable core, which is essential for good posture and overall body strength. 
This reduces the risk of back pain and injuries related to poor alignment.

03 Mind-Body Connection

When incorporated into your Reformance training routine, the focus on mindfulness and body awareness can help you perform exercises with greater efficiency and reduce the risk of injury.
It also promotes relaxation and reduces stress
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